It is often believed that the investment of air curtains is more advisable in the establishments of large commercial brands or extensive industrial plants. But the reality is quite different. Installing an air curtain is a smart investment for commercial, hospitality or industrial facilities of any size. Firstly, there is an air curtain for ...
In recent years, air curtains have become an essential solution for many sectors, from retail to manufacturing. Designed primarily to maintain separation of climate zones, reduce energy consumption and improve indoor air quality, air curtains have established themselves as a valuable investment. But beyond their correct installation, proper ...
It is advisable to install air curtains at all entrances to buildings with many people. Opening doors leads to loss of air conditioning and draughts, which are very annoying for users. Thanks to the constant flow of air emitted by the air curtains, this problem disappears. In the Antonio Mingote library, these ventilation problems were solved ...
Following the recommendations of the Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA), the U.S. construction code has decided to include the air curtains installation as an energy saving effective alternative. Thus far, the American construction code IECC 2015 (International Energy Conservation Code) just referred to the recommendation that new ...
Our DX air curtains incorporate a direct expansion coil that, connected to a heat pump, offer the low consumption alternative to the classical electrical heating or water heated coils. Airtècnics has developed these new DX air curtains in collaboration with several heat pump manufacturers, thus achieving efficiencies (COP) close to 4, ...
Revolving doors are partially efficient to avoid air exchange, that is why it is very important to complement them with air curtains. In Airtècnics we have a tailor-made model, adaptable to any revolving door, the Rotowind model. For this reason, in the AX ODYCY hotel in Qawra, a city on the island of Malta, they have decided to install a ...