For Airtècnics, 2024 has been a year of transformation with significant advancements in products, markets, and global positioning. We want to share with our clients and friends the key highlights of the year. Product innovation: A more efficient future Airtècnics has consolidated its technological leadership with ...
The Madrid Medical Association has chosen the perfect combination of design, functionality, and efficiency with the installation of the Airtecnics Zen ECG 2000 E air curtain. This innovative unit, installed by Boscoluz, blends seamlessly into the building’s environment thanks to its exclusive wood finish, adding a touch of distinction and ...
Large doors and expansive spaces together represent one of the biggest challenges in air conditioning, especially when balancing energy consumption and the comfort of customers and workers. In this context, air curtains with DX technology are positioned as an ideal solution for these areas, significantly reducing energy losses when doors are ...
It is advisable to install air curtains at all entrances to buildings with many people. Opening doors leads to loss of air conditioning and draughts, which are very annoying for users. Thanks to the constant flow of air emitted by the air curtains, this problem disappears. In the Antonio Mingote library, these ventilation problems were solved ...
The main causes of an ineffective air curtain are that the air curtain is not adapted to the special conditions required for each installation, but it is also a problem when the installation is not carried out according to the specifications of the air curtain in question. First, the curtain must be located close to the entrances so that the ...
Heat recovery units for air conditioning are devices specifically designed to improve the efficiency of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems by recovering and recycling heat from incoming and outgoing air flows. This equipment is installed in the ventilation circuit of a building and its main purpose is to recover energy ...